Upton Primary School

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Waggon Lane, Upton, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 1JS


01977 650820

School Governors


Mrs L Williamson


 Mrs K  Glynn

I am  a Wakefield  resident.  I have  enjoyed  a long  and  varied  career  within  the  health  care  system,  specifically  within  Paediatric  Nursing  and  at a later stage nurse management.  I have  been  privileged  to  work  with  children  and  their  families  in very  many  different  care  settings.  A proportion  of my working  life  was spent  overseas,  once  again  working  within  the  paediatric  nursing  speciality . My  own  children  were  educated  both  in  England  and  overseas  and  as such  I realise the  value  of  the  education  system  which we have  in  England. 

Five  years  ago  I returned  to  my  roots  here in Wakefield.  I became  a  school  governor to  contribute  to  the  local  community  but also  to ensure that  the  first-  class  education  system  that  we have  in  this country  continues  for  the  benefit  of  all children. Upon  Primary  school  is at the  heart  of  the  community,  it provides  a  first- class  education  for local  children and  this  must be cherished  and  protected. Much hard work  and  planning assist in providing  the  children  of Upton with  their  education and  I  view  it  as  a privilege  to  be  part of the  governance  team  which contributes towards  the running  of  Upton  Primary  school.



Mr J Scott (Vice Chair)

I am a local resident and have a child currently at Upton Primary School. I am a subject leader in a secondary school in Leeds, with responsibility for leading Religious Studies and Business, and have previously held responsibility for Citizenship and Personal, Social and Health Education. I also currently teach across the Humanities subjects. I have worked in education for over ten years, and prior to this, I worked in different areas of the legal profession after completing my degree.

I wanted to become a Governor at Upton as I have a real interest in wanting to make sure that the children of the local community receive the best start that they can. The school is very much the heart of our community and it is a real honour to be able to work with staff to ensure that the school our children have access to, provides high quality learning and opportunities to acquire knowledge about the world we live in.


Mrs L Skelding

I am delighted to be part of the governing body at Upton Primary School.  I am a Primary School teacher with 8 years experience, working extensively in the Early Years.  I am passionate about education and I strive to improve standards across all areas of school.

As a Governor, I aim to take an active role in the school's development planning in order to support and challenge the senior leadership team at Upton. I look forward to working with children, staff and parents in the future.


Mr P Wilson

I am a local resident and have lived in the area for over 18 years. I have a child and other family members currently at Upton Primary School. I am local village warden working with Upton and North Elmsall Parish Council. I work with these councils to help make our community safe. I also have helped to run a football club for three years and I am a qualified child welfare officer, Football Association coach and also a rapid response first aid. I have worked with Humberside Police as PCSO for two years. I do a lot of work with community and district Councillors and I am also on the committee of Upton Rugby Club. 

Mrs C Pearson (Associate Governor)

I am a local resident and previously had children at Upton Primary School, so I am delighted to be part of the governing body. I am a Supply Chain Manager at Asda and have worked in business/retail for over 20 years. With my business and parental knowledge/experience, I hope to support the school in any way possible. I wanted to become a Governor at Upton as I have a real interest and emotional attachment to the school and, where possible, want to ensure children within my local area receive the support they need. The school is an important part of the community, and I feel very privileged to work with the school and other governors to support our local young people as much as possible.


Mrs B Graham

I have been a governor at Upton Primary School for many years. I live locally so understand the catchment area. During this time I have been Vice Chairman of the Governing Body and currently Chair of the Resources Committee. I have been retired for 17 years having worked at Minsthorpe High School as a Laboratory Technician in the Science Dept for 27 years. I am involved with a lot of other voluntary bodies locally but really enjoy the time I give to Upton Primary School particularly the time always spent in school.

 Mr J Hatton

I have lived in the village since the age of 13, returning from living abroad so I could have a stable base for secondary education. I live with my wife and daughter who attends UPS and is currently in Year 1. This is my first year as a governor and its been interesting to see the level of work and commitment from all the staff that goes into running the school behind the scenes. I have been a jewellery store manager for over 20 years and bring a wealth of knowledge from my industry to the role of governor. I have a keen eye for detail and strong interpersonal skills.

 Charlotte Wood

I am a local resident and I currently have a child at Upton Primary School. I have 15 year's experience working in the FMCG industry across various roles. I am delighted to be a part of the governing body and I hope to support and challenge the senior leadership team to continue high standards of education across all areas. The school is a great anchor in the community, and it is a privilege to work alongside other governors and staff to ensure all children receive help, support, and a first-class education. 

In order to contact the governors of Upton Primary school you will need to get in touch with the school in the first instance and they will make the contact on your behalf.  You will not be able to contact the governors directly, but the school will treat your contact in confidence where appropriate and act as a mediary.

If you need to make a complaint about the school and involve the governors you will need to follow the school's complaints procedure, if you need a copy of the Complaints Procedure please ask at the front desk or download it from the schools policy page under "Key Information".