Upton Primary School

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Waggon Lane, Upton, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 1JS


01977 650820

Relationship Sex Education. (RSE)

What is RSE?

RSE is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. Through RSE, children learn about healthy relationships, different families, respect, love and care, reproduction, puberty, hygiene, the body, sex, sexuality and sexual health.  There is often a concern that RSE will encourage sexual experimentation however, evidence shows that those who receive effective RSE at school are more likely to delay their first sexual activity and to use contraception. In our school, we are building the foundations of skills and knowledge that will be developed further when they get to secondary school level.  


Our key aim in providing RSE throughout the school is to safeguard pupils.  During their time at our school, children will lean key knowledge and skills to help keep them safe and prepare for adult life. 

Key Objectives 


The key objectives of our RSE programme are to:

  • Develop knowledge and understanding of positive and healthy relationships 
  • Make pupils aware of their rights, especially in relation to their bodies 
  • Enable the development of social relationships and skills and protective behaviours 
  • Prepare children for the physical and emotional changes of puberty 
  • Understand reproduction and birth within the context of loving and caring relationships 
  • Explore attitudes and values around sex and relationships 
  • Ensure that children know how and where to access support 

The RSE programme is based on the needs of the children in our school and learning outcomes are appropriate to pupils ‘age, ability and level of maturity.  The curriculum will be firmly embedded within the broader SMSC and science curriculum. Pupils will be helped to understand difference and respect for themselves and others.


For access to the RSE policy please see the policy section of the school website.

Please click on the link to access the RSE action plan for the academic year 2023-24


Parental involvement

We believe that RSE should be a partnership with parents and carers.  Parents will be routinely consulted and informed about RSE through the school prospectus and letters to explain when RSE will take place in different year groups. 


Whilst we always try to work with parents to accommodate their wishes, we also accept that parents can exercise their right to withdraw their child if they do not wish them to take part in the RSE sessions.  Legally parents have the right to withdraw their children from RSE that is not part of the national curriculum for science.  Parents are given this option through a letter which includes a withdrawal option.  Teachers will plan for children who are withdrawn from RSE lessons. 


If you have any concerns about the RSE that is provided please speak to your child’s class teacher or the Headteacher. 


Parents will be invited to attend a meeting to give them more information about the program and an opportunity to explore the resources that will be used.  It is hoped that this will support them in their role in RSE along with the school. 

Parent information leaflets:

Please click on the following links for parent information leaflets:

Talking to your child about RSE

Responding to RSE Questions

RSE Book List

RSE Consent Book List