Upton Primary School

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Times Tables

Why is learning your times tables so important?

Times tables can help you understand other mathematical concepts. Knowing the times tables can also help your child more readily grasp other important aspects of maths, such as fractions, division and percentages. At Upton Primary we are also extremely passionate about learning and embedding our times tables.



The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a test that is being introduced by the Department of Education. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It is a short test which is taken in Year 4.  Its purpose is to test pupils knowledge of times tables up to the twelve times table. and can help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.


How do we support pupils at Upton Primary in learning their times tables?

Children are taught their times tables in their daily maths lessons. To further embed this learning each pupil has access to a Times Tables Rockstars account. The pupils use TT Rockstars  and earn coins for their own rockstar by concentrating on different times tables each week and consolidating the ones they learn by revisiting them each half-term.



Reasons to play in the Garage: we recommend the Garage is the default game to play as it's designed to help pupils get faster. After a few games, the TT Rock Star software engine starts to work out which number facts each pupil struggles with and then begins presenting those questions more frequently.

We recommend that pupils play 3 times (a total of 3 minutes) in the Garage every day.

The teacher can control which questions pupils get in the Garage so it's more appropriate for younger primary school children to play in the Garage, particularly as they start out with the 2s, 5s and 10s. It's free from the distractions of competing against other pupils and as an extra incentive, pupils get 10 coins per correct answer instead of 1. The focus, however, should be on competing against themselves.


 Times-tables: unrestricted, i.e. questions from 1 × 1 up to 12 × 12 are possible. Roughly 1 in 5 questions are division.

Reasons to play in the Studio: we would get pupils to play in the Studio to have a measure of their overall speed on all the times tables. Much like being in a recording studio, this is where we want TT Rock Stars to record their best performances.

The TT Rock Star engine works out the children’s mean score over their last 10 games in the Studio and it's their speed in the Studio that determines their rock status. The more questions on average that they answer correctly in a minute, the higher their rockstar status. Starting off as a Busker they get to Rock Star if their per question average is 3 seconds, Rock Legend if it's under 2 seconds or Rock Hero if their average speed is 1 second or less per question.

Pupils may find it easier to understand on a per game basis, which would look like this:

If you answer 20 or more questions you're a Rock Star!
If you answer 30 or more questions you're a Rock Legend!
If you answer 60 or more questions you're a Rock Hero!

Fortunately, because it's based on the mean over the last 10 games, a single bad performance doesn't have an exaggerated effect on the status.


Reasons to play in the Arena: The Arena, like the Garage, is only for practising the times tables that the teacher has set. The difference is that it's a multiplayer game for pupils to perform with other bandmates! Pupils join a game at the same time and compete to see who can answer the most questions.

This is not the most effective game mode for pupils to reach mastery (that would be the Garage) so we recommend the Arena for times when you want to inject a bit of competitiveness in the classroom or let them play in the Arena as a reward.

The premise of the Arena is the same as Live Mathletics or Sundae Times in MangaHigh, however the Arena's advantages are that the Arena games are one click away once logged in; they will accept 30+ users in a game (rather than 3 or 4); and you don't need to press play at the same precise second to join your teammates.

A few points to note:

  1. A new Arena game starts every 15 seconds (you can see the clock counting down.)
  2. There is no difference in Wembley, Millennium, etc. It just makes it easier for friends or for the teacher to tell others which game they want others to play in, e.g. "Everyone join Wembley!"
  3. Pupils don't face the same questions as each other.
  4. As a teacher, you will be able to see an Arena for each of the Bands in the school. However, pupils only see the Arena button for the Band they are in.
  5. This is probably the most addictive game mode. You'll have to figure out how to stop them!


Times-tables: unrestricted, i.e. questions from 1 × 1 up to 12 × 12 are possible. Roughly 1 in 5 questions are division.

Reasons to play in the Festival: This is the multi-player version of the Studio - students face questions up to 12×12 while competing against players from around the world.

As with the Arena, the four different Festivals are to help you name the Festival you're joining. There is no difference in the format or type of questions between Glastonbury, Lollapolooza, etc.

A new Festival game starts every 15 seconds and there is no limit to the number of players that each game will accept (unlike Manga High, Arcademics or Mathletics).