Upton Primary School

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Waggon Lane, Upton, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 1JS


01977 650820

Contemplation Space

This room is a multi-sensory room which has been developed to give a relaxing environment in which pupils at the school can access to take part in one to one sessions and different areas of the curriculum. It is an alternate learning environment to meet individual learning needs. We feel the room will enhance the school’s provision for our diverse needs at Upton Primary.


How the contemplation space is regularly used to support children.

- A safe space for children to access when finding things difficult.

- Reward time

- Children can use the room as a reward and use their imagination with Lego or the doll’s house.

- Celebration time with a member of the senior leadership team.

- Hot Chocolate Fridays are always a treat for the children.

- Safe space to allow children to discuss their problems.

- Children can assess the room to talk to a Learning Mentor who offer support for everyone

- Time with Betsy Willow, our resident school bunny rabbit!