We have an exciting maths curriculum in school. We use the White Rose Maths schemes of work to guide our long term plans (please see their yearly overviews below) and to act as our source inspiration for planning. We also take engaging ideas and activities from other fabulous resources like ISeeReasoning and Nrich. These all allow us to focus our learning around the three main aims of the mathematics curriculum, which are:
- Fluency
- Reasoning
- Problem Solving
Yearly Overviews
Foundation Stage
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
A concrete-pictorial-abstract approach is central to all that we do. This means that concepts are taught using 'concrete' objects like counters, Numicon, Cuisenaire, Dienes rods, ten frames and more. Children can experience and explore maths at their fingertips in the first instance. Understanding is then consolidated with a pictorial and grammatical stage to bridge the gaps between the use of objects and symbols. Bar modelling is an excellent example of how we approach the pictorial stage. Ultimately we want children to be able to work proficiently and independently in the abstract. That is, we want children to be able to solve problems using numerals and symbols only, but with a secure understanding that has been supported through exploration at the concrete and pictorial stages.
To 'keep the plates' spinning we have a Daily Maths Meeting (DMM) where children encounter arithmetic practice alongside richer tasks from content spread across the mathematical domains. This allows children to keep their learning from previous topics fresh in their minds. So in a typical week children could revisit learning from geometry, time and fractions in addition to focus domain in their main maths lesson.
We are also extremely passionate about learning and embedding our times tables. The pupils have their own TT Rockstars account and earn coins for their own rockstar by concentrating on different times tables and consolidating the ones they learn by revisiting them each half-term. The children can enter the garage, studio, arena or a festival! The children also learn their times tables through the 'counting stick method'.
Please find the parent/carer guide to TT Rockstars below: