Upton Primary School

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Waggon Lane, Upton, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 1JS


01977 650820


We consider reading to be hugely important at Upton Primary School. Reading is firmly embedded in the curriculum with weekly reading lessons throughout Years 2 - 6 and many initiatives to promote our love of reading.

Foundation Stage and Key Stage One

Phonics is taught through Read Write Inc. in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One. Children are given daily opportunities to practise sounds, blend them into words, write words using known sounds and apply their knowledge to reading. Children in Year One take the Phonics Screening Check in June each year. During daily phonics sessions, children are taught new sounds and are given opportunities to apply previously taught sounds in reading. Children are also encouraged to apply their newly taught phonic knowledge to spelling on a daily basis.


Accelerated Reader

As a school we use Accelerated Reader to assess and monitor reading. Children who are ready sit the STAR Reading Test during assessment times throughout the year. This accurately analyses the children's reading ability and provides the with a ZPD score, indicating which books are appropriate for their level. Once they have read a book either at home or at school, children are encouraged to take a quiz on that book comprising of comprehension questions. All children throughout the school take a reading book and record home and are encouraged to read daily. This is monitored regularly in school.



We also use myON which is part of Renaissance Learning. It is a cross-curricular teaching and learning tool that helps them to become fluent readers by providing an easy way to ensure reading skills are practised in the classroom and then developed further at home. There is a large selection of digital books at the appropriate challenge that they can read or have read to them.